Sunday, July 22, 2007

i cant dis!

erm..rasa nya hari nie mcm bad day plak..
pagi td ader detachment bt x gie sbb MALAS..mmg malas nak g sbb last sem pergi BOSAN.
so..tdo..pastu gayut phone...mcm biasa..ader jerk benda yg nak disampaikan..
pastu Shaz coll..huhu..exec. Sony..mcm xpercaya plak..ahha..
pastu biler Shaz coll..dia ckp tunggu kul 11am..apa lagi..
bangun dr katil n tersepak kat kepala katil..
sakit giler n apa lagi..terhiris kulit kaki..berdarah sikit..
mandi pedih jerk..
pastu Shaz amik n kita org decide nk gie KLCC..
otw ke KLCC..hujan..
pastu biler dh smpai..terus cari baju yg nak dipakai for dis Wednesday..semua kita org geledah..
tp..xjumpa..yg jumpa benda lain..huhu..
masuk lah Nicky sbb ader potong seluar ngan dia..erm..xsiap lagi..Nicky pun xkerja..
pastu nampak beg..erm..bleh tahan .check harga..
RM 499..
xmampu..tengok jer lah..kena tunggu end of dis year..mesti murah..
pastu check kasut..erm..
RM 2**
angkut ...sbb harga turun..huhu..untung2..cantik ....
pastu check plak baju..erm..ader new collection tue..
cantik gak bt mahal...erm...
amik gak...
bayar....n nak tau tak..muka cashier tu rasa mcm nak lempang jerk..
xfriendly langsung..bleh dia cmpak jerk kasut dlm kotak pastu dia jolokkan skali ngan baju..
consider ari nie dia xder mood sbb nak beratur pun bayar..

pastu kita owg lapar...g DOME..
erm..not bad...cuma hari nie mcm xder mood nak makan kat sini kot..
pastu org yg duduk kat sebelah table kita org nie plak HOTT giler..
nak amik gmbr tkt mata jerk..

abes makan..pencarian bermula...
erm...Shaz dapat suit kat Zara n aisyah nak beli kat MNG tp xder saiz..Aisyah nie kecik sikit..
aku plak still mencari...till Topman..
erm..xder saiz gak..kecewa giler aku ngan Aisyah..
brg kat tangan mcm dah banyak...

past g kinokuniya..nak beli buku event management..kena beli....harga best..
xder discount..sentap gak lah..belajar punya pasal..bayar..
erm..pastu biler turun...
damn..malu giler..dgn barang banyak..cover kutip duit syiling..
terus xder mood n jalan tempang..

pastu kami pun berangkat...
aisyah still xdpt
pasrking mcm senang sikit..xtau naper..
tp dlm ramai org..dis time terus cr baju n jumpa kat
harga..erm..before discount
after discount
RM 2**
erm..murah gak bak kata aisyah..
aku still xjumpa baju yg aku nak....
bt aku jumpa benda lain kat sini..

kami jumpa Belt Guess
rm 1**
angkut..sbb nak belikan untuk.. bro...xtau lagi nk bagi ke xnak..sbb aku mcm berminat kat belt nie..
so..nanti2 lah pk..
lagipun dah belikan selipar Zara for him..
erm..nak belikan apa erk untk my sis..erm..
aku jumpa tshirt kat
angkut jerk...harap2 badan dia muat...
apa lagi erk aku beli.mcm banyak giler sbb hari nie dah jatuh miskin...

balik umah kena marah td..n ader sumtin happened..terus xder mood..

bukak myspace ingtkan ader lah benda best..
dpt message..erm..kena marah lagi..
aiyo...tu pasal xleh tdo..sbb xder mood dah..
pretend mood ok bt dalam hati...
ALLAH jer lah yang tau...


persiapan terakhir..

alkisahnya bermula..
apabila si shaz ni memulakan aktiviti dia menelefon aku.. x puas kami berckp tepon..hehe..berjumpa..
after pemilihan n ujian yg kami tempuhi..
erm...kami bertiga dapat..acctually ramai lagi tp xtau..
so..dis wednesday..kami akan berangkat ke..
damn..apa lagi..
kena amik cuti seminggu....
so..kita org dikehendaki menyediakn bermacam benda..
aduh...malasnyer..we decide to go to KLCC..
sbb situ ader barang2 kami..haha..n makan time..

me n aisyah..
dia blajar MMU kot..

shaz punya food..

aku punya..

shaz xtau nak makan apa sedangkan kami dh start makan..

makan time...

singgah katDataran Merdeka..
haha..saja2 jerk!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

with the only ex in my life..

azz azfar n dya...

she's my ex..
miss her a lots..

majlis makan beradab...

selepas sesi merenjis..

potong kek bersama..
so sweet kan..hehehehe

we really had fun together.. me..
she's so nice n cute like before..
cant believe dat we r not together anymore.....

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

jap..apa yang anda fikirkan..

erm.. br balik dr rumah zafira..zaff..erm...mama wat not for me la..untuk sedara mara oll ni include la..hahaha ( dd,lee ann n azz)..mula2 xnak dah to go la...i ngan sedara mara dia pun dah mcm sedara mara sendiri..

so..i pun gie...acctually citer pasal dinner nie xberkaitan ngan tajuk cz apa yg aku nak citer nie lain....

erm..apa anda akan buat kalau anda tahu cerita sebenar tentang seseoarang yg anda rapat..means dat...dia adalah...bukan maybe nak protect dirinya....

erm...acctually...salah or not..entah..malas nak ckp cz sakit hati kepada takdir..
i acctually tertahu cerita pasal my bestfren yg selama ni dia berahsia..motif nak berahsia ngan anggap positif cz for me...mesti ader reasons..some more...i syg kat org dia layan i sgt baik..
jap...jangan nak buat sebarang andaian jika anda terasa..ask me untuk tahu siapakah dia..
reez..i need u....where have u been yesterday n last night ha??u coll me pastu u ckp ngan org lain n buat2 xdgr...

Monday, July 16, 2007

ok..thanks bt...

thanks..suka sgt...but mcm mana u leh wat free i plak kena bayar..tell me more azrin..

Your path of soul development in this lifetime revolves around developing your awareness of yourself as a distinct, unique individual. It is not enough for you to simply be who and what you are, Azz Azfar, you must radiate your inner essence outwardly, express it, bring it forth in a creative way. Although ultimately your goal is self-discovery and self-recognition, you initially have a profound need to make an impression on others and to be recognized and appreciated by the world. In many ways you are like the eager child who delighted with the discovery of a new power or accomplishment, demands of all and sundry "See ME! Look what I can do!". Of course, you do this in subtler ways (usually!). Nevertheless, the joy of self-discovery and self-expression, and the yearning for "strokes", applause, and affirmation is very much present in you. Put simply, you tend to be rather fascinated with yourself. Your tendency to dramatize or exaggerate, and your desire to be the center of attention comes from a need to project yourself into the world in order to see yourself and what makes you special. However, Azz Azfar, your acute awareness of yourself as an individual can also lead to an excessive, constant self-consciousness which may actually inhibit your free flow of self-expression. You may feel that you are always on stage and have to perform, or have to be the best, because you are being watched (at least by yourself!). And you can be incredibly self-centered at times, blind to other people's realities and to the larger realm of life which does not revolve around you. Find out more with your full-length reading...

It is imperative for you to find an area in which you can excel and shine and truly make a significant, personal contribution which matches your inner sense of nobleness. You must have a domain, Azz Azfar, one which is yours alone to shape and fashion according to your own inner dictates. Unless you are acting from your own heart, from your own core, you are not fulfilling your destiny. Thus, you will resist imitating and being dictated to by others, for your task is to find your own inner light and radiate it. While young you are apt to have heroes and images of greatness in whatever form most resonates with your heart. Ultimately you must become your own hero. Find out more with your full-length reading...

Quiz yg Paling Best setakat dis ok!

1. Story behind your MySpace song?:
no song at all...silent please...

2. Whats bothering you right now?

abt my plan to Perth..mcm cancel jerk cz too much holiday n ader exams plak tue..pastu still thinking abt my new experience today..hehehe..

3. Do you close the door when you pee?
giler apa..tutup la...


4. Wallet?
TOPMEN..thought nak bagi to my besties bt mcm rugi arrival time tu..lagi pun my fren bukannya layan TOPMEN punya wallet..

5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop
My pic on the red carpet 3 Diva's Concert at Bukit Jalil Stadium

6. Background on your cell phone?
tepi pantai..hp ni my sis punya...

7. Jewelry worn daily?
NOPE..its too gurlish for me..

8. Where your default picture was taken?
kat mana erk..lupa lah..

9. Eye color?
erm..mcm hitam..brown bukan..brown + Hitam =mata ku menawan..

10. Life:
im happy with my life ader org nak dikacau n disakat kot..

11. House:
my dad ask me to stay in college cz its easy for me to go to class..i dun want cz im gonna miss my kitchen,my bathroom n my bedroom la...


12. Doing this weekend?
erm..xtau lagi macam xder plan jerk skung nie..

13. Wearing?
heheh..baju tido from ZARA..sound like bizarre rite..besar bt its ok la..tgh sale..

erm..nak g Perth n cant wait to leave Malaysia..menghitung hari..cepatlah October..

15. Where are you?

16. Listening to?
Lets Dance Together...sambil menari2 mengikut video clip..haha..giler lah aku nie..

17. Have you ever hugged or kissed anyone lately?
selalu kot..xkira lelaki ataupun perempuan..just bestfren ever love him super duper very THE much..Reez..dia kot yg paham i kat Puncak u Reez...mati kalo scandal dia tau..

18. What do you smell like?
erm..mana la aku mcm wangi jerk sbb br mandi n pakai Ralph Lauren..

19. Eating?
lots terlupa...erm..maybe Nasi Goreng Padprik from Santai..sedap giler..

20. Besides your bed, what is your favorite things?
Sure my handphone n my sling SONY mp3 skali...

21. Do you believe in a soul mate?

22.Do you sleep naked?
erm..not really cz my bro akan masuk bilik i...n screaming kejutkan i...

23. Do you remember your dreams? was wonderful n ader yg real sikit..

24. Do you believe dreams come true?
kalo best..hehe..yeah....

25. Do you believe in miracles?

26. Do you burn easily in the sun?
yeah..dats y im black..

27. Do you speak another language other than English?
bahasa kebangsaan,Malay

28. What's something you wish you could understand better?
understand my best friends...

29. What did you do last weekend?
lupa mcm boring jerk..yeah...jadi babysitter kot..sepenuh masa..

30. Who do you miss?
i miss my journey today..went to Ikean n makan meat ball yg sedap..acctually nak rasa fish n chips org malu nk mintakk.dia pun xpelawa jerk..licin..heheh..pastu g court...

31. Have you ever been in a car crash?
Luckily, not really bad..luckily..giler lah..

32. Orange or apple juice?
Orange sometimes apple juice kot..

33. Who were the last people you went somewhere with?
ader en. motif sesuatu...we went to ikea together..

34. What was the last text message you received?
"kt mana,ngan saper,biler nak balik,jgn drive xtentu hala,bgn awal esok n g settelkan ngan uitm"from my dad..mood dia tgh baik..heeh

35. Last text message you sent?
" kat dalam bilik la...naper xckp jerk..xjadi kuar sbb penat sgt nie.esok ptg kot jumpa dekan"...kena jumpa my dean nk mintak cuti..

36. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?

37. What is the closest thing to you that is blue?
my handphone..dark blue.same rite..

38. What was the last thing you ate?
Nasi Goreng Padprik la kot..yup..yeah..

40. Whose house did you go to last night?
Zafira la ..mana lagi..hehehe.rumah kedua ku..

41. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
erm..dh lama x gie hospital acctually..dh yg i ingat..YAN kot..Zaff brother..

42. Do you like someone right now? to be fren jerk..

43. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?
baju n suar tido...

44. What is the last movie you watched? comment please..

45. Have you ever heard of the band Sweet Garden
ader ker.entah..

46. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
before....hehehe..Zara shirt yg i pakai td tu..beli sendiri kot..dah lama..

47. Coach or NFL game tickets?
Coach kot for my mom..sorry to sports.

48. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Love him so much cz he my bestfren..Reez...

49. Do you believe that you can change someone?
erm..maybe..sbb macam berhasil n now i sgt suka perubahan kat diri dia..but xbleh simply like dat cz diri sendiri kena getting matured..

50. Do you want someone you can't have? mcm xkan dapat..berangan jerk..

thanks tina..send it more ok..seronok plak main quiz2 mcm nie..hahaha

Sunday, July 15, 2007

kegilaan yg melampau di kenduri kawin!

berangan ala2 wedding kami kan...
dya..i love u so much..

dya n azz..crazy..

mama...coco nak cium i..hehe..
fuck coco..i miss u badly..

hantu kek..
zaff..dont do like that at my wedding ok!

pengantin pun mcm kelakar....huhuu

Wedding Of The Year For Me!

heheheh..mcm amik gmbr skolah plak!!

dis is Abg Yan...
erm..kinda not comel like dis acctually..

dis is Kak Lynn..yg sgt cantik malam tue..
style giler baju nyer...heheehe...

bersembang bersama my mom..

aku bosan..n xtau nak wat apa..
n suddently baca akhbar n mag...

herm..yeah..dia dalam wonder.since when plak dia nie mcm beriya nak femes nie kan..
i pun mengomel la sorang2 depan my mom....

ader la jugak i maki n kutuk budak yg dlm mag...mmg xsuka dia pun sbb ader skali tue..i masuk tv dia ckp i giler glam..omg...hahah..macam budak2 plak aku kan..

tiba2 mak aku ckp....mesti kes jeles tgk kawan masuk mag...aku pun ckp...motif..xderlah..jst terkejut..heheh..
pastu my mom ckp..xkemana..sbb kalo femes xder pelajaran wat xheran..femes mcm tu sekejap jerk.....

tiba2 dtg plak lagi sorang mak cik ku yg in entertainment line..
erm..setakat nak femes mcm tue....bibik pun boleh (org gaji aku)...
hurm... aku paham...ilmu tue penting..
so..semangat nie...nak dapat dean list for this sem..hahahaha...

femes tue xperlu kot..sbb yg penting aku nak duit yg banyak..haaha..
berangan plak!!

bersembang bersama my mom..

Bye Tina....PART 1!

kami berlima

hari ni ..nak hantar tina ke klia..
dia nak balik hawaii...dia kawan dotti dr hawaii yg balajr sama kat new york uni...
she's nice..blajar law n

perjalanan kami sepatutnya bermula dalam 6.30am...
tp..disebabkan kepenatan sbb last nite Yan punya kawin.some more lepak kat sect 7..
bangun lmbt.....dlm pukul 9 kot..xdapat g raju for breakfast..mmg lambat giler ok..
hehehe..pastu biler dh bangun lmbat n xcukup tdo..sbb setiap hari kuar n to 2/3 jam..
semua muka x sihat n mmg cukup tido...
so...dotti amik i kat umah....

dis is dotti yg comel n baik hati....very2 the orang kaya..kawan baik jimmy choo ok...
sentiasa senyum n gembira..

biler dr klia...amy bawak...pastu he send me to one utama..
baik giler kan dia..n sangat peramah..
dia nie plak..erm..balajr kat leeds uni,uk...amik engineering apa tah...double degree if im not mistaken la...he's nice...
erm..isnin ni dia start kerja...mcm mana kenal dia..kawan dotti..lasti nite dtg kenduri..erm..
dia suka mengcapture pics...mmg cantik...semua gmbr yg dia
thought dia budak masscomm..sbb budak masscomm puncak rajin mengambil gambar..
hahaha..rupa2nya hobby dia...amik gambar i erk nanti..

dis is amy yg cute n chomel..abang norita..
bt norita missing....

Bye Tina....PART 2!

Bye Tina...
biler nak balik tau yg u nie baik n sweet...
damn..gonna miss u..

ok..dotty..u sgt hott..
n manicure everyone....hehehehe....
dotty manja sweetheart,amy chomelicius,tina kaka kiki kaki kuki,azz azfar

sweetie tina..smiling azz..model amy n Datin Nor...banyak giler beg Datin..mengalahkan hand luggage Tina..

Last time..sweet of us..
Amy Hottielicius..Tina merepek..n azz azfar..

Bye U OLL!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Yan N Lyn..Wedding Of The Year!

weddings and such.
Current mood: cheerful

coco! thank you for inviting me to your oh-so-very-good-looking brothers wedding haha... it was a pleasant one indeed. seriously, it was one of the best one i've been to. wasnt over the top, yet elegant. beautiful in more ways than one.. it was wonderful!! from my point of view, it went reeeally well. clap clap for mama! Plus i loved the hawaiian dance! i actually cried at the beginning of the first song! it was touching ok!! :p she's super cool.. can i like, sign up for classes or anything?? i wanna shake like her.. mesmerizing! i know we all do! (i dah nampak azfar angkat tangan jerit ye! ye! betullll i pun nakkk!!)

ooohhh you know what co! i couldnt stop myself from laughing when you were trying SO VERY hard not to. especially during the "bersanding" part when you bent your head down and i saw (all of us probably did) your body started to shake. that was oh-so-funny! and goddd azfar was so effing gers with that 'rbm' guy hahhaha.. and and we were pretending it was OUR wedding gosh so very mengada. PEOPLE! my wedding is today... kan azfar sayang kan?? haha izra jangan marah ok? bottomline, i had funnn!! i weeeally did! :)

oh yeah! pictures!! i want them ALL!!!

coco my darling bitch.. it is VERY painful to know that you have to leave so soon.. (sooner than soon actually!) sooooooooooooooooooo sadddddddddd!!! sob sob.. what to doo.. i can still see you within the next few days right.. better than nothing! :) penang shall be postponed.. but maybe we should just plan for perth instead! *wink*

oh oh oh.. izraaa i SERIOUSLY want to go to genting! i wanna go on that superman ride.. and and the solero shot!! i just want to scream my head off without people looking at me weirdly la basically. .......ooookay now i'm feeling sad about you being so far awayyy... hmph. but you are going to come back everyday kann?? (hoping, wishing..)

why is this blog sounding like messages from me to certain people? doink..

oh dear, it is already the 9th of july.. 3rd semester!! my 2nd year!! time flies! it truly does... mannnn, i was just getting used to waking up when the sun is right above my head! uuhh the agonyyyy of waking up in the morninggg... mondays especially. monday blues - a global disease! (actually, its all very much in the head right?)

i am ending this with a good night wish to all and congratulations yan on your marriage! :)

happy monday everyone!

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nie blog ex me..we r not fighting we r bestrfren!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

sorry guys..

erm..aku xtau apa jadi ngan diri aku skung nie..
yeah..mmg bz giler la dis lately..
weekend penuh ngan jemputan menghadiri org kawin n my sedara pun kawin..
pastu plak kat kolej,rumah dirombak.sorry kalau tersinggung,i now u guys baik n sweet n wat so ever bt i prefer tinggal 3/4 orang serumah than 8 org serumah like now..last sem i duduk 4 org serumah n mmg wat cam mana..terpaksa menyesuaikan diri n dats y aku xnak balik tg kelas n balik after class..wat per nk duk lama2 kat situ..wat sakit hati jerk...
tue jerk yg wat aku menulis blog bodoh nie..n acctually ader benda
malas la!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Abang Sedara Saya Kawin!

majlis perkahwinan abg sedara ku yg 1st skali belah bapak aku..
alhamdullillah..belah perempuan....hari nie..
aku dtg lambat..xdapat nak join perarakan...kita owg panggil ..malaysia runaway..sbb rata2 pakai baju melayu n kebangsaan..
dah lah dtg lmbt..sikit jerk k..kena marah ngan bapak aku..pastu kena merenjis..hehe..
amik berkat nak kawin cepat..


Hissham N Lyn!

nervous...damn..dipilih untuk merenjis...erm..y mesti saya....
erm..first time..mcm org terjatuh tepak benda alah tue...
yg penting..dapat gak wat..meriah..

sebelum itu..kepada sedara kecik2...gambar ini untuk sedara2 yg sedang belajar i university dan juga asrama penuh...
plastic sgt..yg berdiri bertuung hitam n putih..adik beradik..asrama penuh apa tah...pandai mereka nie..bangga giler..
yg barisan kedua...belah enginerring kot..uitm jerk..lagi sorang ..multimedia..kolej..
barisan pertama..berbaju putih..civil engineering..diplomme...n lagi event management kot..apa tah.event n bla bla bla..
yg tengah2..lelaki tunggal di dalam kelompok ini...Performing Arts Student..

Suka kak hajar dengan kamera..kelas..tutup mulut..

u oll yg makan dengan tekun..dengar citer sentap xdapat makan kat meja beradap..
no comment...mak cik yg pijak kasut azz bagitau..
mak cik tu azz xkenal k..

Went To Zeta Bar,Hilton Sentral!

yeah..pasti ramai terkejut cam mana saya leh sampai kat Zeta Bar Hilton Sentral..
aku pun mcm its true..
after temankan Lee Ann wat treatement rambut kat Spazio Subang...
suddently kita owg mcm bosan..xtau nak wat per...
sbb macam semuanya ader probs...
i dengan masalah....
coco plak terpaksa pulang ke Australia awal sbb ader papaer..suddently..semuanya secara tiba2..
mmg sakit hati giler..dh banyak kami
pastu plak kat Zeta Bar ni...malam nie..tiba2 fren yg baik n rapat n low profile giler...
ader kat sini..kami pun join...mcm biasa check inn sbb takut mama marah balik lambat....
hurm..ok..nice n service baik punya...Izzat yg comel...erm..hehehe..
suka giler..

beginilah keadaanya...sesak..
kami berada di satu kawasan yg agak private sikit..
ader body guard lagi sbb kawan saya.....................
mmg happening.. band yg tengah melalak giler..
selepas mereka dapat berjumpa dengan mereka secara live...
for sure..perempuan yg suara husky tu sgt ceria n peramah..
biliknya dirahsiakan...dan saya tau kat mana....

ok..semua kena balik..
last coll from bar at 3am....huhu...
mcm nie lah keadaanya biler dah habes..
malas nk chow skung cz lif pasti sesak....

yeah..sudah habes party...yg penting.say no to drugs and alcohol..
erm...chow lm kul 3.30am..huhuh..naik bilik..
i really had fun n terlupa jap kepada masalah yg saya hadapi..
n really cool ok...
really enjoy it..

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Breakfast At Hilton!

pelik n good...
follow color ....menunjukkan dat setiap makanan mempunya protein,karbohidrat,n bla2....
bt i makan jerk semua..ehehehe

yeah..dim it..
i mmg suka dim sum....
ni pingan pertama..haha..ader lagi..jap erk..

roti 2 yg lebut n sedap...
makan lagi....

cornflakes with cold milk..favourite..nie tambah 2 mangkuk..

telur hancur bersama dgn ayam yg dicincang..sedap..
tambah nie lagi..

pencuci mulut..hehe...ader strawberry lagi KAN..
acctually i ader rasa nasi lemak n roti canai..sedap gak...
pastu ader mee goreng..nice..semua i rasa except sup jepun...sbb xsuka...

Pendaftaran Kursus!

erm...4am in the morning..
yeah..terbangun dr tdo..pastu xleh tido lagi...
aku mmg susah nk tido balik kalo terbangun tiba2..
aku terbangun sbb my fren coll..aduh..uba la paham waktu malaysia..tau la ko kat UK.. teringat nak wat pendaftaran kursus..xwat abis xleh nak masuk klas....

check jadual..aiyo..pening la..banyak nyer kelas...

alhamdulillah..xder repeat subject..semua subject dis sem..except Advanced Acting..subject last kena re-sit balik sbb last sem x g exam..huhu..malas giler..

kena susun kelas hour 19 or 20...mcm tu la..peningnye...

Coco Birthday!

sweetie muffin from fateen..
sedap giler..sumpah..hehehe...
fateen..teach me ok!!

special kek (kek icing yg org slaloo wat untuk kawin)..
erm..coco with her mother..
YM Raja Zaharah (low profile)......

thats from me..xtau nak beli apa....hahahah

Sepetang Di Secret Recepi One Utama!

damn..i look stupid...yeah..
kek ni sedap giler..chocs fav..

Coco with tom yam kung..sedap giler..

Chocs Indulgence.

Tom Yam Kung

we went out again..dis time before jumpa DD n Zafira cz mereka kat Sushi King.
erm..Lunch Time